Aside from the merits of the Second Circuit's interpretation of Section 111, this dispute over definitions and their regulatory consequences is a reminder of current copyright policy's problematic forced access and price controls. These provisions are applied selectively depending on the underlying transmission service. Selectively-applied compulsory licensing and royalty rate standards are also imposed on copyrighted music. Market-based reforms to copyright policies for video and music should be a component of broader reforms to communications policy that are needed to comport with the realities of the digital age.
licensing and government rate-setting for both video and music content need to
be part of the public policy conversation concerning digital age reform. Either
right away or in steps, public policy for copyrighted video and music content
should be realigned more closely with rule of law and free market principles. Policy
reform should ultimately seek to foster a truly free market in which video and
music copyright holders can freely negotiate with potential licensees for
retransmission or public performance rights. And those negotiations should take
place under a system of impartial laws.
a copyright standpoint, the question of whether ivi meets the definition of a
"cable system" is a big deal. Significant market and financial
consequences follow, depending on the answer. A "cable system" has a
statute-based right to retransmit copyrighted live TV broadcast programming
according to Copyright Act § 111’s compulsory licensing provision. In exchange
for retransmission rights, a cable system is then obligated to pay copyright
holders royalty rates set by the Copyright Royalty Board.
Second Circuit's ruling means ivi cannot invoke statutory compulsory licensing
rights to retransmit copyrighted TV broadcasting content live via the Internet.
Nor can ivi claim compulsory licensing rights as an affirmative defense to
copyright infringement claims by WPIX or other copyright holders. Should ivi
seek to retransmit copyrighted live TV broadcast content, it must bargain at
arm's length with copyright holders for licensing rights.
no wonder that services like ivi prefer the benefits of Section 111's
compulsory licensing and royalty fee payment scheme as opposed to negotiating
directly for retransmission rights in a free market. Forced access and
government price controls typically present terms more favorable to potential
copyright users than copyright holders. It is equally evident why copyright
holding TV broadcasters would seek to avoid losing control over their content. Internet
streaming services may fragment and reduce their TV viewing audiences, undermining
their bargaining position with advertisers.
a matter of principle, compulsory licensing and government rate-making run counter
to a free market. Compulsory licenses are a forced access mandate that
undermine copyright holders' control over their own work. Royalty fee schedules
or rate standards established by statute constitute government price controls on
exchange. What's more, compulsory licensing is typically administered in
arbitrary ways. Different types of media services and platforms are treated
differently, depending on their respective transmission technologies or
business models.

of current policies, over time, may well undermine the incentives of creators
and other copyright holders to produce video or music content. Incentives would
also likely be undermined for establishing new service and delivery models and
technologies to serve consumers in better ways.
bearing significantly on the need for reforming copyright policy for both video
and music content is the transformative impact of the Internet. Both types of
content are now being distributed through what the Second Circuit described in WPIX v. ivi as "'cloud-based
systems,' or virtual platforms where content resides remotely on a distant
server." Internet-based alternatives for distributing video and music
content to consumers render even more unjustifiable arbitrary forced access
mandates accompanied by price controls.
compulsory licensing and government-set royalty rates or fees are deeply
problematic in principle, efforts to
reform copyright policy ultimately should include both video and music content.
And because of the transformative impact of the Internet and other digital
communications platforms, copyright policy reforms for video and music should
take place within the broader context of necessary reforms to communications
policy, all of which should be guided by the same set of free market
In the case of video copyright policy,
there is a complex but especially close connection to communications policy.
Cable and DBS providers must contend with an added layer of regulatory burdens
imposed by the must-carry and retransmission consent regime. Those regulations
are based on the Communications Act and enforced by the FCC. "Must-carry"
regulations give local TV broadcast networks – who are not necessarily the copyright holders for programming content – the
ability to require cable systems or direct broadcast satellite (DBS) providers
to carry their programming on a basic tier channel. Alternatively, TV
broadcasters can invoke statute-based retransmission consent rights, requiring
cable or DBS providers to negotiate with certain local TV broadcasters. But
other FCC rules – such as network non-duplication and syndication exclusivity
rules – restrict the ability of cable and DBS providers to negotiate for
retransmission of signals from non-local TV broadcasters.
I have previously called into question
the problematic forced access implications of must-carry in previous
blog posts.
FSF President Randolph May has criticized the unduly restricted context for
FCC-enforced retransmission consent negotiations in respective FSF
Perspectives papers and blogs.
And FSF Board of Academic Advisors member Bruce Owen has likewise written about
the "The
FCC and the Unfree Market for TV Program Rights."
short, Copyright Act-related restrictions on video retransmission and
Communications Act-related restrictions on video transmission should be
reformed in accordance with fundamental free market principles that better
reflect the realities of the broadband Internet age. Efforts to unshackle music
content from compulsory licensing and rate-making previsions should also be
considered with the same market principles in mind.
compulsory licenses and rate-making is critical to restoring a free market
environment that fosters creative new ideas in content, business models, and
technology. And fostering a vibrant free market for copyrighted video and music
content should be a critical element in overall digital era communications
policy reform.