Saturday, July 20, 2013

New Bill in Congress to Clear and Reallocate Critical Spectrum

In a June 27 blog post, FSF President Randolph May explained his thoughts on the right policy approach toward spectrum: "Don't Equivocate. Clear and Reallocate!"
Legislation just introduced in the U.S. House falls in line with that sound approach to spectrum.
The Efficient Use of Government Spectrum Act (H.R. 2739) is sponsored by Representatives Doris Matsui and Brett Guthrie. As reported in TRDaily on July 18, the bill "would reallocate the 1755-1780 megahertz spectrum band for commercial use and direct the FCC to pair those frequencies with the 2155-2180 MHz block (AWS-3), which the Commission must auction by February 2015."
As FSF President May wrote in his blog post:
The imperative to 'clear and reallocate' spectrum is most urgent with respect to the 1755 - 1780 MHz band so that it can be paired with the 2155 - 2180 MHz ("AWS-3) band. This spectrum is ideal for wireless broadband traffic and if the two bands are auctioned together, it has been estimated the auction might raise as much as $15 billion for the U.S. Treasury.
(I also touched on the potential benefits of pairing and auctioning of the 1755-1780 MHz band with the 2155-2180 MHz band in my blog post, "FCC Preserves Path for Future Spectrum.")