Thursday, March 26, 2015

Remarks from "The Future of the Internet: Free Market Innovation or Government Control?"

The videos are up from the Free State Foundation’s seventh annual telecom policy conference entitled “The Future of the Internet: Free Market Innovation or Government Control?” The distinguished series of panels and speakers delivered wonderful discussions and statements on various issues within telecommunications policy.
Congressman Greg Walden, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, delivered an outstanding opening keynote address. Chairman Walden expressed concern about the unintended consequences of the FCC’s recent Open Internet Order:
I think that applying these outdated utility-style regulations will ultimately lead to increased uncertainty, leading to depressed investment, decreased innovation, reduced consumer choice, and a slowdown of our exceptionally vibrant Internet economy. And all that will ultimately hurt consumers.
Free State Foundation President Randolph May sat down with the House Majority Whip, Representative Steve Scalise, to discuss the FCC reclassifying broadband under Title II. Representative Scalise stated that such Internet regulation is ill-advised and concerning to the American people:
This is a solution looking for a problem. The Internet is working really well. You don’t want to the Federal government coming in and “fixing it.” 

There are millions of Americans that have a real concern and fear of the Federal government starting to regulate the Internet.
The FCC’s Open Internet Order was a popular topic at the conference but other topics such as video policy, spectrum auctions, and universal service were also discussed. Check out and subscribe to the Free State Foundation’s YouTube page for more videos from the conference and past events.