Earlier this month,
the Cato Institute published the 2016 edition of “Freedom in the 50
coauthored by William Ruger and Jason Sorens. This study ranks each state with
regard to its overall “freedom” by measuring the restrictions the state has
placed on both personal and economic choices. For the purposes of this blog, I
will use the authors’ analysis to discuss Maryland’s
among a number of economic freedom categories.
I note at the
outset that since taking office in January 2015 Governor Larry Hogan has taken
some actions, and proposed others not adopted by the Maryland General Assembly,
which have and would improve Maryland’s ranking. But there is still much more
work to be done.
Overall, Maryland
is in the bottom five states in the “freedom” index, ranking 46th in
the country. Maryland also happens to rank 46th in terms of “economic
freedom.” This low ranking is attributable to the state’s combination of high
taxes rates, unnecessary regulations, and burdensome occupational and business licenses
that create barriers regarding how Maryland’s citizens can earn and spend
money. Maryland’s regulatory and fiscal policies are the biggest reason for why
its overall ranking is so low.
Free State Foundation
President Randolph May and I have criticized Maryland’s regulatory policies and
discussed areas where the state could improve in a January 2016 Perspectives from FSF Scholars entitled
Efficient Government and Regulatory Reform in Maryland.” In the “Freedom
in the 50 States” study, regulatory freedom measures a number of different
specific categories, including land-use requirements, labor market restrictions,
and occupational licensing. Maryland ranks 49th in regulatory
freedom. Here are some more specific findings relating to Maryland’s poor
- Land-use freedom measures restrictions on rent control, how much a state uses eminent domain, and the number of permits and zoning regulations that burden property owners. Maryland has very restrictive land-use regulations, ranking it 48th in terms of land-use freedom. The authors state that if Maryland were to eliminate rent control, by itself, the state would move from 49th to 45th in terms of regulatory freedom.
- Labor market freedom considers a state’s right-to-work laws, minimum wage laws, disability insurance requirements, and worker’s compensation regulations. Maryland ranks 37th in labor market freedom.
- Maryland ranks 49th with regard to occupational freedom. As I discussed in a July 2015 blog, Maryland has overly restrictive occupational licensing requirements. These regulatory requirements burden entrepreneurial activity and create barriers for upward mobility, especially for low-income citizens.
“Fiscal freedom”
is another important component of economic freedom. Maryland ranks 34th
in the fiscal freedom index, which measures the tax burden placed on state
residents, the amount of state spending, the amount of state debt, and the
percentage of employment in the public sector. The authors say Maryland’s overall
tax burden is average among the states, which is a more positive assessment than
the most recent report
from the Tax Foundation. However, the authors do say that state-level taxes
have risen steadily over the last six years. One of Maryland’s most problematic
components of its fiscal freedom ranking is its excessive business subsidies.
The authors state that if Maryland were to end all business subsidies and cut
taxes equivalently, its fiscal freedom ranking would rise from 34th
to 24th.
For years, FSF
scholars often have discussed Maryland’s burdensome tax and regulatory policies
and the impact those policies may have on businesses and residents considering leaving
the state. The state and local economy is one of the main reasons individuals
migrate among states. According the study, Maryland had a net migration rate
(NMR) of -2.4% in 2014. All of Maryland’s neighboring states not only rank
higher overall, but also have a more favorable NMR. Delaware ranks 31st
with an NMR of 7.6%, Pennsylvania ranks 26th with an NMR of -1%,
Virginia ranks 21st with an NMR of 2.4%, and West Virginia ranks 39th
with an NMR of 0.9%. While high tax rates and unnecessary regulations may not
be the only reason why Maryland experienced a net population loss, reducing tax
rates and eliminating burdensome regulations could incentivize individuals and
businesses to remain in the state.
Governor Larry
Hogan has done a commendable job since taking office in January 2015 to take
actions that move Maryland in a favorable direction. He has worked to lower licensing
fees, transportation tolls, and tax rates. Governor Hogan also established a
Regulatory Reform
with the mission of eliminating unnecessary regulations and streamlining
administrative processes. But, as Maryland’s poor showing in Cato’s “Freedom”
index indicates, there is much more work to be done, and the Maryland
legislature needs to act in way that is consistent with improving the state’s “freedom”