Friday, May 10, 2019

David Redl: A Dedicated Public Servant

Like many in Washington and elsewhere, I was caught by surprise by David Redl's resignation yesterday from his position as Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. I am very sorry to see him go. David is a long-time dedicated public servant, with extensive experience and expertise in the communications law and policy field.

From where I sit, David did an excellent job as NTIA Administrator. One of his jobs was to "manage" the government's use of its spectrum. Especially now, with ever-increasing demands for spectrum by the private sector in connection with the deployment of 5G, and competing demands from government users, his job was not an easy one. But David did not seek out easy jobs, but rather ones in which he could make a difference.

The nation owes him a debt of gratitude.

And, speaking of gratitude, I was personally grateful that David delivered keynote addresses at the Free State Foundation's last two annual telecom policy conferences. You can find his keynote addresses for the 2019 conference here and for the 2018 conference here.

A quick perusal of either, or both, will reveal the important work in which David was engaged, and the relish with which approached serving the country.