On December 4, the FCC released an order to retain its existing limits on radiofrequency (RF) emissions. According to paragraph 2 of the Commission's order:
After reviewing the extensive record submitted in response to that inquiry, we find no appropriate basis for and thus decline to propose amendments to our existing limits at this time. We take to heart the findings of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), an expert agency regarding the health impacts of consumer products, that "[t]he weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems." Despite requests from some to increase and others to decrease the existing limits, we believe they reflect the best available information concerning safe levels of RF exposure for workers and members of the general public, including inputs from our sister federal agencies charged with regulating safety and health and from well-established international standards.
Occasionally, local governments face pressure to assume a new role for themselves as wireless device health regulators based on spurious claims about RF emissions. And some local governments have even made misguided attempts to regulate wireless devices. Local governments ought to take note of the Commission's order and bring it to the attention of any citizens inquiring about RF emissions. The Commission, which has jurisdiction over RF emissions standards, has taken stock of the best evidence and analysis of the FDA in renewing its conclusion that cell phones are safe to use.