Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Prepared Remarks of NTIA's David Redl at FSF's Telecom Policy Conference

The Free State Foundation's Eleventh Annual Telecom Policy Conference was held at the National Press Club on March 26. The Conference included a keynote address by Assistant Secretary of Commerce and NTIA Administrator David Redl. His remarks addressed data privacy, spectrum policy, and expanding broadband. They are available at NTIA's website. 

Regarding data privacy, Assistant Secretary Redl discussed NTIA's request for public comments on the matter. Based on the comments received, Assistant Secretary Redle observed "a sense of urgency, and a desire for Americaion leadership on privacy," along with a "broad industry consensus that we can't have a patchwork regulatory landscape with the U.S." 

In his remarks, Assistant Secretary Redl acknowledged comments submitted to NTIA by Free State Foundation scholars, including President Randolph May and I:
In the comments from Free State, we heard various ways to improve the Federal Trade Commission’s jurisdiction over consumer privacy. You called the FTC the "preferred agency to enforce privacy protections across all digital platforms." 
We agree that it is important to take steps to ensure that the FTC has the necessary resources, clear statutory authority, and direction to enforce consumer privacy laws.
Assistant Secretary Redl also thanked Free State Foundation for comments its scholars submitted to NTIA as part of its process for developing and implementing a comprehensive National Spectrum Strategy by late July. 

The prepared version of Assistant Secretary Redl's remarks are available here.