Friday, July 10, 2020

Ookla Reports Speed Increases for U.S. Fixed and Mobile Broadband

On July 8, Ookla released its "Q2 2020 Speedtest® United States Market Report." According to Ookla:
[M]edian download speed over mobile in the U.S. increased 15.8% between Q2 2019 and Q2 2020 to 29.00 Mbps. The median upload speed for mobile was 5.74 Mbps, down 15.2% from Q2 2019. 
Median download speed over fixed broadband increased 19.6% during the last year to 86.04 Mbps in Q2 2020, and median upload speed increased 1.5% to 11.86 Mbps in Q2 2020.
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak and government lockdowns, these reported speed increases are welcome news. They also go to show the soundness of the FCC's pro-investment, pro-deployment, light-touch regulatory approach to broadband Internet access services.
Additionally, Ookla's report contains interesting comparative figures for fixed and wireless broadband Internet services according to speed and other metrics. This includes comparisons of 5G speeds and 5G device availability.