Thursday, September 28, 2023

Delaware Privacy Law Makes a Dozen – or a Baker's Dozen?

First State Governor John Carney signed the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act (the DPDPA) into law on September 11, 2023.

For those keeping score, Delaware increases the number of states to have passed a comprehensive data privacy law either to twelve – "Delaware Becomes Twelfth State to Enact Comprehensive Privacy Law" – or thirteen – "The 'First State' Officially Becomes the Thirteenth State with a Comprehensive Data Privacy Law" – depending on how one defines "comprehensive."

And for those concerned with the confusion and cost caused by the growing patchwork of inconsistent state laws, the fact that commenters cannot agree even on what the current total is underscores the extent of the problem.

In "More States Compound the Dreaded Privacy 'Patchwork' Problem," a July 2023 Perspectives from FSF Scholars, I noted that the DPDPA cleared the Delaware legislature on June 30, 2023. I also made the case that:

[T]he … "patchwork" of laws has become so complicated that interested observers can no longer agree even on the precise number of comprehensive data privacy statutes that have been passed. That fact alone speaks volumes about how difficult it has become for both companies and consumers to make sense of the ever-evolving regulatory landscape – and how important it is for Congress to establish a uniform national data privacy framework that preempts state laws.

For what it's worth, I am one of those keeping score – and I do include the Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR) for a running total of thirteen. While many provisions of the FDBR apply only to companies with at least $1 billion in annual gross revenues, its requirements regarding the handling of "sensitive personal data" apply to all for-profit businesses. As such, "it undeniably represents yet another item on the growing list of data privacy statutes with which businesses must grapple."